Monday, November 27, 2006

Day #10,407 in the Life of Suzi

All I do is babble on and on about philosophical subjects. Well, this post is no different.

I woke this morning in a very philosophical mood. That's because last night, for the first time in my entire life, I had a conversation with someone who does not "believe" in evolution.


How is this possible? How is it conceivable for a seemingly intelligent human being to not "believe" in the concept of evolution? There is nothing to "believe"! Evolution is a fact, as much as the fact that water flows downhill.


I just kept saying, "Wow." I could think of NOTHING else to say. Wow. I had to leave. My brain couldn't even grasp the concepts that this other brain "knew" to be true.

Wow. I still can't think of anything to say.

I believe in God. My own conception of God, certainly, but a higher power nonetheless. To me, the bible is a collection of stories meant to interpret the world around us, meant to guide us morally through life. Of course the bible mentions nothing about evolution! When the bible was written the earth was flat and the sun revolved around it!


I believe in God, the father (or mother!), the almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen.

But do I believe that God created the earth and everything on it in 7 days? Do I believe that God said, Poof! and created humans? Do I believe that God created woman from Adam's Rib? Hell no! How could I?

I don't profess to know what is true, or what is right. If I knew it all, I think I'd be dead. I search relentlessly for truer truths when it comes to life and God and purpose.

I can't imagine having such blind faith as to say the bible was literally written by God and that every word of it is true.

I was told last night by this "friend" that I have an evil spirit that prevents me from believing the bible, and that if I'm not "for" God then I'm against him.

Then this person, whom I believed before last night to be a very good friend, told me he never wanted to speak with me again.

Does it say to do that in the bible?

I think he truly believes I'm possessed by Satan. Poor chap.

I don't think God wants you to cut people out of your life who have different beliefs than you. And I think God wants us to search for even greater truths, God wants us to have science, because when you get even as far as we've gotten with all of it, we still can't explain the fundamental elements that hold us together, or that create life. We still, as far as we've EVOLVED, can't explain everything. God wants us to have this knowledge. As much as possible, or we wouldn't be creatures who search for knowledge. How can anyone believe that knowledge is evil?


I'm still at a loss for words.

Posted by Suzi Q :: 12:32 PM :: 0 Comments:

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