Monday, May 29, 2006

Is it live, or is it Memorex?

The funny thing about wisdom is that the more you have, the less you know.

I used to believe life was about experience, learning, acquisition of knowledge. I might still believe that--I'll let you know later (see last post).

So that's how I've lived my life. Tried to learn as much as possible. Tried to experience everything I can. Good, bad, really bad... all of it the same. Equally important, equally vital to my quest on planet earth.

Quest. That's a good way to put it. A quest for what exactly?

I've been a thinker for as long as I can remember. Only now, I've made a discovery. In studying everything I can get my stubby little hands on; in challenging people with my own form of the Socratic dialectic; in microscopically examining the world's religions; I've only discovered one thing:

I don't know shit.

That's right. I said it. I don't know shit.


It seems the more knowledge you attain, the farther you get from any answers. Perhaps the answers are so simple, so insignificant, so intrinsically woven into our daily life that our feeble little minds can't wrap themselves around the concepts. There must be more than this, your brain constantly tells you.

What if there isn't anything more? What if this is all there is, what if the answers are something we wouldn't believe if God herself came down and shouted it in our ears?

And, what if that's perfectly okay? Maybe we've been spending all of our precious time and energy looking for something that doesn't really matter.

Maybe the journey really is the most important part. And everything else is obsolete.

But then again, I don't know shit.

Posted by Suzi Q :: 11:49 AM :: 1 Comments:

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